International Accolades of Sandeep Marwah Appreciated-Noida-Books - Magazines

International Accolades of Sandeep Marwah Appreciated-Noida-Books - Magazines

A book on international accolades of Sandeep Marwah was released in the campus of Asian Academy of Film And Television by the august faculty of AAFT.
“We are proud of Sandeep Marwah who has brought the name of AAFT to international level. His contribution in media is now cannot be measured,” said Prof. Kalyan Sarkar Dean AAFT.
“Sandeep Marwah is going to be the Vice President of India one day. I bless him and wish him all the best,” said Mansoor Naqvi Associate Dean AAFT.
“Five World Records has taken 30 years of his services to media and entertainment industry. It has not only benefited India but the whole World,” said Dr. Vijay Kapoor HOD Print Media, AAFT.
Sandeep Marwah is the most innovative person I have ever seen in my life. Creation of 100 organizations is not the job of an ordinary man,” added Prof. Satish Anand Dean Acting and Presentation.
“60 International awards are not only difficult to achieve but may be impossible for some one else. He has done it,” expressed Prof. Arun Anand HOD Still Photography.
“Asia, America, Africa, Australia, Europe nothing is left. Sandeep Marwah is a man of all the continents,” said Prof. V.S. Kanan HOD Post Production.
A book containing details of 60 international awards of Marwah from 28 countries of the World has been published with his five World records been handed over to every faculty member.


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