Sandeep Marwah Special Guest at Pandit Hari Sharma Award Function-Delhi-Events

Sandeep Marwah Special Guest at Pandit Hari Sharma Award Function-Delhi-Events

It is very important to honor and highlight all those journalist who have gone out of way not only to promote truthful journalism but to promote India as a brand and a country of high culture,” said Sandeep Marwah at a grand function to honor Nidhi Kulpati a senior journalist with Pandit Hari Dutt Sharma Award at Teen Murti House Auditorium.
Pandit Hari Dutt Sharma Award was constituted after the name of renowned journalist, writer, thinker and scholar 11 years back by Pandit Hari Sharma Jayanti Puruskar Samiti comprising of some prominent people of the country.
Dr. Harshvardhan Minister for Science And Technology, Suresh Prabhu Minister for Railways, Dr. Mahesh Sharma Minister for Tourism & Art and Culture, Janardhan Dewedi Member Parliament, Vinod Agnihotri Editor Amar Ujala, Ashok Chakardhar renowned Poet and Mangu Singh Managing Director Delhi Metro spoke on the occasion.
Dr. Vallabhbhai Kathiria Chairman Gausewa & Gauchar Vikas Board, M.M.Mishra Secretary Noida Golf Course, Raj Kumar Sharma Advocate were also present there. Nidhi Kulpati thanked the organizers and expressed her views in detail.


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