2016 MBBS Admission open in RUSSIA-Chennai-Educational Institute

2016 MBBS Admission open in RUSSIA-Chennai-Educational Institute

1.Russia is the land of scholars,scientist,glorified history,land of empirical structures and monuments
An upcoming crown of Europe…culturally rich & upward modern.
2. Russia is amongst the top nations for Medical, Engineering, Aviation & space education & made itself        the hub of all educational activities across the globe.
3.Extentive  exposure to clinical practice and research. What comforts more is the 7:1 ratio of student
To  teacher.
4.All the institutes are government recognized which strictly  adhers  to no donation fee or  captitation fee, making  the study affordable.
5.All the instates are dully recognized by WHO,MCI,MEDICAL Council of UK,USA,CANADA,AUSTRALIA,
EUROPEAN countries etc. for future practicing.
6.low cost of living making the stay economical & comforting.
7.The admission process is lenient, excludes time consumtion & accesses students overall performance without any entrance examination.


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